Tracers » Stunt harnesses & gear

@sher.juraev as second unit cameraman. Key rigger @vladimir_shishkin.

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Kate Beckinsale and her stunt double wearing Tracers Black Dyneema stunt harness in “Canary Black” movie. Stunt coordinator @ced_proust.

#canaryblack #canaryblackmovie #tracersclients

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Wrist/ankle strap with WLL 20kg to be used in arms and legs positioning while rigging the character. Slim soft pads are also available for better comfort. #tracerspro ...

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Tracers rigid frame harness for attaching performer to robot or crane. Two pins quick release. Check how it works in previous post. #tracerspro ...

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Dance in the air with Tracers rigid frame harness and the robot arm.
Thanks to for sharing!
Dancer: @vitaliksav4enko

#tracerspro #stuntrigging #dance #choreography #flyingeffects #aerialdance

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Tracers kids stunt vest doing its job.
@stuntwork @vlassimo #tracerspro

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Black swivel blocks for our harnesses. #tracerspro ...

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@katebeckinsale wearing Tracers black Dyneema stunt vest in the scene of recently released “Canary Black” movie. Stunt coordinator @ced_proust.
#canaryblack #tracerspro #poweredbytracers

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Wolverine or pasty flying Scotsman? You decide.

Riggers: @aerial.lexy @walletau

#tracerspro #tracersclients #stuntharness #stuntrigging

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Climbing wall on Tracers summer festival. 3 weeks have passed and two more ahead. Try the walls fragments of famous skyscrapers Tour Total and Montparnasse with auto belay. Greetings to @alainrobertofficial @alexis.landot @leo.urban. ...

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Right now on Tracers summer festival. @igoryan_parkoursky flying #tracerspro ...

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Building the Tracers summer festival ‘24.
#heavymetal #action #rigging #parkour #climbing #tracersevents

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Motion capture 🎬🎥 @actionschool_stunt

@gera_sxe @mikita_balandzin @senkov261 @anton_keizik @olehnovich_alex @alexgeleisha

#stuntrigging #stuntharness

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